A great cover for your wedding program
Wedding programs are provided for guests whether the wedding be large or small to assist them in the details of the ceremony. They are particularly helpful for those of different faiths who do not know the traditions and ceremony of your faith.It does make the ceremony more relaxing and enjoyable for them and they can follow along without confusion and unfamiliar things will be more understandable.The program is often used to introduce the bridal party as they can be named with a photo and a personal message to each. It is good to add a note as to the relationship between you and them whether it be family or friend.While these programs are intended to direct your guests through the wedding ceremony they have taken on additional duties which make them even more helpful and informative.My wish is to give you ideas about what can be included and how to make them fun and interesting at the same time.
Let’s get at it right now!!!!
1. Have fun planning these programs and included a couple of photos of the two of you during your engagement for the guests to have and take home.
2. Your wedding programs can be used to direct guests to another location for the reception and a map might even be included which would be especially good for any out-of-town people who are not familiar with your area.
3. This is a good place to add favorite quotations or bible verses that mean something to the both of you.
4. It is also a great way to give out your new address and phone number so each person has it in the future.
5. You have the choice of having professionals create these programs, and often Office Depot or Kinko’s can be very helpful in assisting you with the design and reproduction of these wedding programs.One of many DIY wedding program kits offered on the internet
6. Likewise, if you have the time and are creative you can really personalize them by doing them yourself with the help of sites on the internet and a computer.
7. Your wedding programs can include a wedding favor as well. Simply punch a hole in the corner of the program and add a little packet of small candies such as M&M’s in your theme colors or candy kisses which everyone loves tied with a ribbon that would go through the hole in the program.
8. If you would rather not do candy than a packet of seeds for the guest to plant as a remembrance of the day would be thoughtful, or you can come up with your own ideas.
9. I like being able to combine things you want do in this way to save time and energy.
10. Here’s another idea for using the wedding program which I really like a lot. As happens at many
wedding where much is going on there can be delays which leads to downtime for a guest. Have an activity printed in the program such as a crossword puzzle, Sudoku or anagrams to help the time pass quicker.You might regard your wedding program if you choose to have one as a wonderful “souvenir” not only for your guests but you and your bridal party. They can look back and see their photos and messages you wrote to them when the day has long passed but the memories stay close and special.
If you have any ideas or suggestions you could share please comment below and many thanks in advance.